Every investor has three choices. They can ignore the future, predict the future, or react as the future unfolds into the present. In this podcast, we’ll take a close look at each of these strategies and what it takes to be successful at each one.

You’ll learn:
- The impenetrable wall every investor faces.
- Why futurists in 1900 thought horses would become extinct.
- Why it’s easier to predict what will not change versus what will.
- The three ways to invest.
- How to tell if the economy is likely to enter a recession using purchaser managers indicies (PMI’s)
- How buy and hold investing is like riding a roller coaster.
- How to invest on the leading edge of the present.
- Renowned British economist John Maynard Keynes’ prediction in 1930 that we would only work 3 hours a day within 100 years.
- What Keynes got right about his prediction of the future and what he got wrong.
- Preview of episode 8, what would happen to the economy and the stock market if everyone worked only three hours a day?
Show Notes
Ladies Home Journal article by John Elfreth Watkins, Jr. – What May Happen in the Next Hundred Years.
John Maynard Keynes talk – Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren
Great free source for PMI data – Markit PMI Press Releases
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