In this episode, I share my experience investing in individual stocks and researching stock managers and hedge funds who do so professionally.

You’ll learn:
- What is a stock and what are the ways to own them.
- Why a great story is not always a great stock.
- Why you need an informational edge to invest in individual stocks.
- What to do in a stock market bubble so you don’t feel left behind.
- How to determine how much of your money to invest if you invest in individual stocks.
- Why most investment manager outperformance is not from individual stock selection.
- How to combine passive index funds and still outperform the market.
- Why some of the best money managers in the world don’t run concentrated stock portfolios.
- How to invest in individual stocks, if you choose to do so.
Related Episodes
48: Do You Have Too Little Invested In Stocks?
254: Should You Be 100% Invested In Stocks?