Money for the Rest of Us is here to help you become a better, more confident investor.
Managing your own investments can be isolating at times. No one to talk shop with. Cheer you on. Reaffirm you’re doing the right thing. Help you not to overreact to the latest financial headlines.
I’m David Stein. While I’ve managed billions of dollars professionally and co-led a large investment research team, I don’t do that anymore.
Now my biggest financial challenge is the same as yours: making sure I have enough money to retire and that those resources last.
Here’s the thing.
We are better investors when we have a sounding board—a community to share what we’re thinking, what we’re learning, the mistakes we make, and what we’re doing with our investments.
Money for the Rest of Us is for people like you and me who aren’t relying on someone else to make sure we have enough to retire. We’ve taken control of our financial future.
Still, just because you choose to manage your own investment portfolio doesn’t mean you have to do it alone.
Let’s take this financial journey together.
Tools to Help You Become A Better Investor
Money for the Rest of Us Podcast
For over eight years, the Money for the Rest of Us podcast has been helping listeners get a big picture understanding of how money, the economy, and financial markets work through stories, analogies, and easy-to-understand examples.
With over 20 million downloads, the podcast has been mentioned in Business Insider, Forbes, Inc., Investopedia, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Motley Fool, U.S. News & World Report, and more.
Here is a list of some of the places you can subscribe to the podcast:
Apple PodcastiHeart RadioSpotifyAmazon MusicStitcherTuneInRSS FeedFree Investment Guides
If you prefer reading to listening, the Money for the Rest of Us website has a number of comprehensive investment guides on investment vehicles, asset classes, economics and strategy. You can find them under the Guides menu item at the top of the page.
Be An Insider
Please consider signing up for my free Insider’s Guide email newsletter.
It’s where I share the most important writing I do each week on money, investing, and the economy. I only send these thoughts to my Insider’s Guide email list. They aren’t published elsewhere.
You can sign up with your email here:
Money for the Rest of Us Book
My book Money for the Rest of Us – 10 Questions to Master Successful Investing was published by McGraw-Hill and is available in hardcover and e-book formats as well as an audiobook.
Money for the Rest of Us Plus Membership
Money for the Rest of Us Plus is the premier investment platform that can teach you to manage your financial assets like a professional. Membership gives you access to step-by-step video lessons, spreadsheets, and written materials to guide you as you build a diversified portfolio plan and adapt it as market conditions change.
What I Did Before Money for the Rest of Us
For close to two decades I advised and managed assets for institutions and financial planners. I was Chief Investment Strategist and Chief Portfolio Strategist at FEG Investment Advisors, a $15 billion investment advisory firm, where I co-headed the 21-person research group.
I co-founded the firm’s $2.2 billion asset management division where I developed its investment philosophy and process and was the lead portfolio manager.
I perfected my teaching style as an investment consultant to numerous not-for-profit institutions where I assisted the board and staff in overseeing billions of dollars in endowment assets. My former institutional clients include The Texas A&M University System, the University of Puget Sound, and the Sierra Club Foundation.
I have extensive public speaking experience including at corporate events for iShares, Morningstar, TDAmeritrade, and others.
I now use the investment insights and tools I learned and developed as an institutional investment advisor to help individuals save and invest for retirement.
What I Do For Fun
When I’m not speaking or writing on the economy and investing, you can find me out hiking in the Sonoran desert, fly fishing the trout streams of Idaho, traveling the globe with my family, or relaxing with a classic work of fiction or non-fiction.
Our Team

Camden Stein
Camden has contributed to Money for the Rest of Us since 2017. In 2022 he joined us full-time to help create and market new products like Asset Camp.
Outside of Money for the Rest of Us, Camden is a landscape painter and illustrator, musician, and global connoisseur of bakeries and bookstores.

Bret Stein
Bret began working with Money for the Rest of Us in 2018. He directs our digital marketing and SEO, as well as many parts of business operations.
Outside of working with us, Bret is an avid landscape photographer, passionate hiker and conservationist, and blossoming handpan enthusiast.