How geography contributes to economic growth and can increase or lower the cost of living. Topics covered include:Why living in a developing country like Costa Rica is still relatively expensiveHow Amazon and e-commerce platforms lower the cost of livingWhy we should consider slowing down our rate of consumptionHow geography is impacting the rollout of AI Show Notes Market Research in Costa Rica: Costa Rica is a strong market in Central America providing many benefits.—SIS … [Read more...]
151: Amazon Impacts Everything
The evolution of Amazon and how even index fund investors have a big stake in the Amazon revolution. Photo by amy In this episode you'll learn: What has been online sales growth compared to overall retail sales.What wager are investors making when they buy high growth stocks like Amazon..How big of stake do index investor have in Amazon.How Amazon retail business is like a slow motion stock exchange.How online shopping impacts global warming.What are alternatives ways … [Read more...]