In Plus episode 482, we review the types, structures, default risks, and different tax treatments of municipal bonds. We also explain how to interpret the Income Strategies and Bond table in the monthly investment conditions report and discuss our plans to improve the table later this year. Finally, we provide an update on the YieldStreet crowdfunding platform, which encountered problems with its ship deconstruction deals. … [Read more...]
241 Plus: February 2019 Mid Month Update, Munis and AMT, and a New DoubleLine Fund
In Plus episode 241 for the week of February 23, 2019 we provide an update on investment conditions including high yield spreads, Flash PMIs and Federal Reserve minutes. We explore under what circumstances are municipal bonds and bond funds subject to U.S. alternative minimum tax and how to determine the potential AMT exposure of a muni fund. We also look at whether investing in longer term or shorter term municipal bond funds is more compelling. Finally, a analyze the new portable alpha … [Read more...]