This week May 12, 2018, we analyze floating rate Treasury ETF as a cash substitute. We look at how investors are supposedly locking in 3% returns using currency forward contracts, but it is unclear how they implement the strategy. Finally, we review the Paul Merriman Ultimate Buy and Hold portfolio. … [Read more...]
203 Plus: Fixed Income Options and Rebalancing To The Model Portfolios
This week May 5, 2018, we analyze various fixed income options given rising short-term rates. We also focus on the risk of bank loan funds. We also review a challenge a member is having in rebalancing his portfolio to the model portfolios. … [Read more...]
MNY144 Plus: Financial Advisors, Rising Rates and Market Depth
This week February 11, 2017 on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we look at a the difficulty in finding a financial advisor to manage assets. We look at under what circumstances an investor should shift some of their bond allocation to cash. Finally, we look at the specialist function on stock market exchanges and analyzing market depth. … [Read more...]
MNY139 Plus: What Drives Gold Prices, Regret, Zero Coupon Bonds and Portable Alpha
This week January 7, 2017 on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we look at how interest rates and the value of the dollar influence the price of gold. We also look at how gold has outpaced inflation over time and how investor sentiment has been a good measure of when to buy gold. We also explore how buy and hold investing reduces regret. Finally, we look at investing collateral used as part of a strategy to get market exposure though futures and how portable alpha strategies work. … [Read more...]
136 Plus: Emerging Market Bonds, Private Equity, Home Purchases and Household Debt
This week December 10, 2016 on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we look at emerging market bond investing in the current environment, we analyze a low minimum private equity fund of fund, explore current household debt balance and delinquency trends and discuss whether to get a home mortgage when purchasing a first home. Audio duration: 26:45 … [Read more...]
133: Interest Rates Are Rising. Four Things You Can Do
Here are four investment strategies investors can use to avoid losses due to rising interest rates. Photo by Pedro Lasta In this episode you'll learn: The importance of focusing on the present Why bond prices fluctuate as interest rates change. What fixed income strategies avoid interest rate risks. Show Notes Fraying At The Edges by N.R. Kleinfield - New York Times Essays In Idleness - Yoshida Kenko MNY52: Why Interest Rates Are So Low iShares iBonds … [Read more...]
132 Plus: Market Reaction to the Election, MLPs, Taxes and Bond Funds and Health Insurance
This week November 12, 2016 on Money For the Rest of Us Plus look at how financial assets have performed since the election. We answer the question of how correlated MLPs are to oil prices and what is the bull and bear case for MLPs. We also explore how to avoid year-end tax surprises with bond funds. Finally, we look at an alternative to health insurance. … [Read more...]
MNY130 Plus: Employer Stock Concentration, Comparing ETF Strategies and U-Haul Bonds
This week on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we look at how to mitigate the risk holding your employer's stock when you don't have a choice. We also compare the differences and similarities between an S&P 500 equal weighted ETF and and U.S. midcap ETF. We discuss how to handle choosing sub-investments in an investment product that you can't get out of. Finally, we look at the U-Haul Investment Club, where individuals can buy bonds backed by moving equipment for as little as $100. … [Read more...]
MNY127 Plus: TIPs, Individual Stocks and Investment Conditions
This week on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we start off by discussing a leading investment concern; what to do about rising asset class valuations driven by low interest rates. We also look at when inflation indexed bonds are attractive investments. Finally, we explore how to incorporate a portfolio of individual stocks into an asset allocation to determine an appropriate return. … [Read more...]
MNY125 Plus: Bond ETFs and Measures of Market Breadth
This week on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we look at the characteristics of bond ETFs in terms of their pricing and market behavior. We also compare measures of market internals such as a simple 200 day moving and market breadth to see which has been more effective at predicting returns. … [Read more...]