In Plus episode 467, we explain the resources on Money for the Rest of Us Plus to learn about different asset classes. We explore investing in fallen angel bonds, which are bonds that have recently been downgraded to non-investment grade status. We also explore investing in BBB bonds. David explains his recent portfolio change to swap out his leveraged loan exposure. Finally, we review how to use the investment conditions and strategy report. … [Read more...]
418 Plus: Mortgage REIT Preferred Stock, Debt Ceiling Standoff, and Fallen Angel Bonds
In Plus episode 418, we review the current status of mortgage REITs and analyze the mortgage REIT preferred stock David recently purchased. We consider whether investors should move assets out of cash until the debt ceiling standoff is resolved. We consider options the U.S. Treasury has to meet its obligations including minting a trillion-dollar coin. Finally, we look at two ETFs that invest in bonds that have recently been downgraded to non-investment grade from investment grade. … [Read more...]