David shares how his investing has changed over the past ten years and lessons you can apply to your portfolio. Here are the ten lessons: Document Your Journey Keep Experimenting Be Willing to Adopt New Asset Classes Be Very Patient Trade Less, Focus On Long-term Drivers Monetary Diversification Don't Focus on Relative Performance Ignore the Noise Take Your Time There Is No Right Way to Invest Show Notes The Investor Podcast 668: What I Learned … [Read more...]
454: How To Invest – Ten Rules of Thumb for Individual Investors
We discuss ten rules of thumb for individual investors to consider when saving and investing for and in retirement. Here are the ten rules of thumb: Don't use institutional hand-me-downs Stay close to home base Beware of dragon risk Mind your investment seasons Catch the popping corn Watch for market swarms Track the economic winds Follow the traffic lights Diversify your baskets Don't burn your ships Show Notes How to Invest Money … [Read more...]
376: What Investment Style Fits Your Personality?
How to decide the investing scale and timeframe that works best for your temperament. Topics covered include: How stocks perform in the days and weeks following catastrophic eventsWhat are some potential financial impacts of Russia's invasion into UkraineHow complex systems operate at different scales and timeframesWhat are examples of different scales and timeframes for investingHow tactical asset allocation strategies workWhy schema and rules of thumb develop and how do they get … [Read more...]
354: Now Is the Best Time Ever to Be an Individual Investor
What are the advantages and disadvantages individual investors have relative to professional investors. How individual investors can capitalize on their advantages without being overwhelmed by too many choices. Topics covered include: How much have fees and commissions dropped for individual investors in the past two decadesHow the overall objective of individual investors differs from professional investorsWhy the smaller scale at which individual investors operate provides an … [Read more...]
351 Plus: Using Stop Losses and a Framework for Evaluating Private Investment Funds
In Plus Episode 351, we explore how stop losses work and whether they can be effective or not. We also discuss a framework for evaluating private investment partnerships, such as commercial real estate funds. … [Read more...]
274: 10 Questions to Master Successful Investing
What are the timeless principles we can follow in order to become better investors? In this podcast episode you’ll learn: How a book's permanence makes it different from a podcast.How David's book got written and published and why his publisher just recalled the hardcover version of the book.What are the 10 questions we should answer before we invest in anything. Show Notes Money for the Rest of Us book Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't … [Read more...]
229: Stop Maximizing Your Returns Using Modern Portfolio Theory
Why modern portfolio theory is a defective way to build out an investment portfolio. This episode explains a better approach to asset allocation. In this episode you’ll learn: What are the inputs needed to compile an asset allocation using modern portfolio theory.What are the defects with modern portfolio theory.Why we should be minimizing our maximum regret rather than maximizing our returns.A more flexible approach to asset allocation that isn't reliant on modern … [Read more...]
209 Plus: How Much International? and 3 Simple Rules of Investing
This week June 16, 2018, we review an article by Vanguard on how much to allocate to international investing. We also review a book on the Three Simple Rules of Investing, including discussing asset allocation, single premium immediate annuities, spending rates, rebalancing and dollar cost averaging. … [Read more...]
156 Plus: Early Retirement, Income Portfolios and Taxes
This week May 6, 2017 on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we profile a member who is contemplating early retirement and discuss whether he has enough assets. We discuss the use of income portfolios in retirement Finally, we develop a rule of thumb for whether an investor should sell an investment and take the tax hit versus continuing to hold the investment to defer taxes. … [Read more...]
28: Live By Your Own Financial Rules
Why there are no hard-and-fast financial rules other then don't cause yourself irreparable financial harm. Photos by Jake In this episode, you'll learn: Why beginners tend to be rule focused while veterans are more intuitive and follow patterns.What an ancient Chinese madman can teach us about personal finance.Why we should be wary of people who tell us the exact path to follow to be successful.Why there are no set financial rules so we have to create our own. Show … [Read more...]