In Plus episode 241 for the week of February 23, 2019 we provide an update on investment conditions including high yield spreads, Flash PMIs and Federal Reserve minutes. We explore under what circumstances are municipal bonds and bond funds subject to U.S. alternative minimum tax and how to determine the potential AMT exposure of a muni fund. We also look at whether investing in longer term or shorter term municipal bond funds is more compelling. Finally, a analyze the new portable alpha … [Read more...]
232 Plus: December 2018 Portfolio Review and Taxable Municipals
This week December 8, 2018, is our monthly review of David's portfolio and the model portfolios. We also explore taxable municipal bonds and how they differ from investment grade corporate bonds. … [Read more...]
MNY131 Plus: Investing In Life Settlements, Muni Bonds and ETFs
This week November 5, 2016 on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we look at how one should evaluate investing in a life settlement fund. We answer a member's question on investing in closed end municipal bond funds. Finally, we compare investing in index mutual funds versus ETFs and the advantages and disadvantages of each investment vehicle. … [Read more...]
MNY126 Plus: High Yield Munis, Sector REITs and Roth 401k’s
This week on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we answer questions from members on investing in high yield municipal bond funds and ETFs, worries about a bubble, a substitute holding for the DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund and investing in sector specific real estate investment trust funds and ETFs. … [Read more...]
MNY119 Plus: Municipal Bonds, RoboAdvisors and Market Losses
This week on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we look at the different recommendations a member received from three roboadvisors and how they compare to the Hub's model portfolios. We also look at how long it takes various asset classes to get back to even after they suffer a maximum drawdown. Finally, we explore how to evaluate municipal bonds on a tax equivalent yield basis. The episode length is 20 minutes. … [Read more...]