Joshua shares the pros and cons of living outside of your home country. He convinces David why he needs more than one passport. Finally, Joshua makes a strong case for not retiring, and if one does, under what circumstances. Show Notes Episode Sponsors Delete Me – Use code David20 to get 20% off Acorns Related Episodes 446: Die with Zero: Why You Should Start Spending Now 437: How to Live Like You Are Already … [Read more...]
271: Financial Independence Is a Choice
Why true financial independence means eliminating financial vulnerability including not being overly reliant on stock market appreciation. In this podcast episode you’ll learn: What does it mean to be financially vulnerable.What are the two paths to financial independence.Why we shouldn't stake our financial independence and early retirement on the historical performance of stocks and bonds.What are the rules of thumb we can use to develop reasonable assumptions for … [Read more...]
244: Are You Spending Too Much? (FIRE Edition)
How we can use filters to better manage how much we spend and make sure our spending has a meaningful impact on ourselves and the world. Photo by Andreas Wagner In this episode you’ll learn: How Stoics found a balance between wealth and wisdom.What is the difference between what is elemental, necessary, useful and superfluous.What are the filters we can use to spend more wisely. Show Notes Letters From A Stoic by Seneca A Philosophy of Walking by Frédéric Gros Mr. Money … [Read more...]
243: Do You Have Enough to Retire? FIRE Edition
What are the key metrics to determine if you have reached financial independence and can retire early. How major stock market losses can derail early retirement plans and what to do about it. Photo by Alicia Cleaver In this episode you’ll learn: What is the FI/RE movement and why is Suze Orman concerned about it.What is the simple formula to determine if you can retire early.How large stock market losses can lead to early retirement ruin and what to do about it. Show Notes Why … [Read more...]
156 Plus: Early Retirement, Income Portfolios and Taxes
This week May 6, 2017 on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we profile a member who is contemplating early retirement and discuss whether he has enough assets. We discuss the use of income portfolios in retirement Finally, we develop a rule of thumb for whether an investor should sell an investment and take the tax hit versus continuing to hold the investment to defer taxes. … [Read more...]