In Plus episode 385, we look at current investment conditions and why now is not the time to panic. We consider how the 2022 market decline differs from the bear market in 2020. We also consider who are the buyers and sellers when equity markets swing violently from day to day. … [Read more...]
372: When Should You Sell An Investment?
We explore four reasons to sell an asset with a focus on the Ark Innovation ETF, Bitcoin, and equity REITs. We also put the current stock market sell-off into historical perspective. Topics covered include: What are lousy reasons to sell an investmentWhat is a sell disciplineWhat are four good reasons to sell an investmentWhy and why not to invest in the Ark Innovation ETF (ARKK)Why growth stocks are getting crushed in the current market sell-offHow frequently does the stock market … [Read more...]
302: Investing is Not Knowing
How successful investing requires judgment and humility, not accurate forecasting ability. Topics covered include: Why pretending to know when you don't is harmful.Why true experts admit their limitations.Why David recently increased his allocation to stocks in his portfolio.How the number of new retail brokerage accounts has exploded.How buying the stock of the bankrupt company Hertz is a great example of how not to invest.What is privilege and what should we do about it. Show … [Read more...]
290 Plus: Dealing with Market Losses, Variable and Fixed Annuities and L-Bonds
In Plus episode 290 for the week of March 12, 2020, we consider whether it is a time to buy or sell given the financial market turmoil, and how to handle the emotions of seeing losses. We profile a member's portfolio and answer her question as to whether she should increase her allocation to a variable annuity. We contrast variable annuities with fixed annuities. Finally, we answer a member's question about investing in L-bonds, a debt security issued by GWG Holdings, Inc. … [Read more...]