In Plus episode 433, we compare Kubera to Exirio. We discuss bond portfolio structure and compare the DoubleLine Core Fixed Income Fund to the DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund. Finally, we discuss how federal budget deficits, quantitative easing, quantitative tightening, and minting a trillion coin contribute to wealth, liquidity, and inflation. … [Read more...]
433: What Happens If The U.S. Defaults On Its Debt? Here’s Why It Won’t
What are the grave consequences if the U.S. debt ceiling isn't increased and the government defaults? What would the Federal Reserve and the Executive Branch do to prevent default if Congress doesn't act? Topics covered include: What are the potential impacts of a U.S. default on the stock and bond markets, and the overall economy What causes the U.S. to have a perennial debt ceiling crisis Why it is uncertain when the U.S. government would run out of money to meet its … [Read more...]