How accelerating bank deposit withdrawals could harm the economy, including real estate prices. How dollars slosh around the financial system but always seem to end up at the Federal Reserve. Topics covered include: How many deposits have left banks since the Silicon Valley Bank collapse How much have banks borrowed from the Federal Reserve to meet deposit withdrawals Why exiting deposits are harming bank profits and causing them to make fewer loans How the credit crunch … [Read more...]
424: Are More Bank Runs Coming? The Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank
What caused Silicon Valley Bank to collapse in only 44 hours, and how likely will the contagion spread leading to other bank failures? Topics covered include: How losses on bonds blew up SVB's balance sheet How is Silicon Valley Bank similar and different than other regional banks What the FDIC and Federal Reserve are trying do to restore confidence and stop bank runs How a weakening of the Frank-Dodd bank regulation act set the stage for SVB's failure Why bailing out … [Read more...]
414 Plus: Emerging Markets Latin America Stocks, Bank Safety and Investing Lump Sums
In Plus episode 414, we review the current valuations of Latin American stocks, deconstruct historical performance, and develop estimates for returns over the next decade. We review ETFs for investing in Latin American stocks and consider the risks. We also review how to decide if a high-yield savings account at a bank is safe and how to be protected. Finally, we review investing a lump sum payment all at once or dollar cost averaging. … [Read more...]
305: Are Banks Safe?
Is a bank collapse coming due to bank exposure to collateralized loan obligations as defaults increase? Topics covered include What are collateralized loan obligations (CLOs), how are they structured, and what has been their historical default rates. How much exposure do banks have to CLOs and will it impact your bank savings and investments. What are bank capital ratios and how are they calculated. How banks are more conservatively run due to the adoption of the Basel III … [Read more...]
297: How To Protect Your Savings
How to protect your savings from monetary threats like devaluation. Why high yield savings accounts exist and are they worth it. Topics covered include: Why Lebanon defaulted on its national debt and announced it will devalue its currency by 57%.Why some depositors in Lebanon will probably lose some of their bank savings.What investors can do to protect themselves from currency devaluations.What are stablecoins and why are they useful.Why some online banks pay above-average interest … [Read more...]
270: Repo Rates Soared—Here’s Why It Matters
How a liquidity crunch in the short-term lending markets sent interest rates soaring. Why this is a huge blunder on the part of the Federal Reserve, and what it means for us as individual investors. In this episode you’ll learn: What are repurchase agreements and how are they used to finance U.S Treasuries. How outflows from money market funds and hoarding by banks led to a liquidity crunch that caused repo rates to spike to 10%. Why banks are hoarding reserves held at the … [Read more...]
MNY094 Plus: Banks, Loans, and Smart Beta Conditions
This week on Money For the Rest of Us Plus I discuss how central banks influence lending, what is causing the bank stock sell off, and what are some future enhancements to the Hub pertaining to smart beta and investment conditions. The episode length is 17 minutes. … [Read more...]
94: How Money Is Created and Destroyed
How federal governments allow banks to create the vast majority of the world's money supply, and why that erodes the value of money over time. Photo by Generation Grundeinkommen In this episode you'll learn: What is financial intermediation.What is fractional reserve banking.How banks create money through creative accounting.How banks decide how much money to create through their lending decisions.How central banks try to control the amount of lending.Why federal governments can … [Read more...]