In Plus Episode 406, David provides more detail on why he sold the Simplify Volatility Premium ETF. We discuss how all bond investing involves some active decisions and why an investor would consider an active bond mutual fund. We compare two Vanguard mutual funds with different risk ratings. Does a conservative fund losing more money this year than a more aggressive fund signify Vanguard's risk ratings are wrong? Finally, we explore how to purchase real estate using the funds in an … [Read more...]
311 Plus: Option Strategies, Volatility Investing, and Hedging Stock Portfolios
Plus Episode 311 shares the audio from a new video on how call and put options work, how put options can be used to protect against portfolio losses, options-based ETFs and how to go long and short volatility. … [Read more...]
304 Plus: July 2020 Investment Conditions and Portfolio Review
In Plus episode 304, we review current investment conditions and the potential impact of the Covid-19 resurgence in the U.S and why now is a time to be cautious. We also review potential fixed income options for reallocating cash. … [Read more...]
220 Plus: September 2018 Portfolio Review and Investing In VIX
This week September 7, 2018, on Plus Episode 220 there is an update on David's portfolio and the model portfolios. We look at how portfolios would be adjusted in conditions turn red. We also look at the challenges of hedging a portfolio by investing in short-term VIX ETF. … [Read more...]
159: What You Need To Know About Volatility
What is volatility, what determines it and how to invest in it. But should you? Photo by Jamie Street In this episode you’ll learn: Why extreme events undermine the average. What is the VIX volatility index. Why the tightening of credit conditions contributes to higher volatility for stocks and bonds. How the demand to sell volatility is keeping volatility low. What to consider when investing in VIX. To learn more about investing in VIX ETFs, check out this helpful … [Read more...]
MNY117 Plus: Alternative Investments and Antifragility
This week on Money For the Rest of Us Plus we review the imputed interest rate sensitivity (i.e. duration) of various asset classes and why hedge fund like strategies are not sensitive to changes in interest rates. We then look at options for non-accredited individual investors to invest in liquid alternative strategies. We also revisit what it means to be antifragile and how can one implement a barbell investment strategy that combines both aggressiveness and paranoia. As part of our … [Read more...]
What Is The VIX Volatility Index
This audio lesson describes the VIX volatility index and how to invest in it. Topics covered include: What is VIX What are options and how are they priced. How is VIX determined. How does one invest in VIX. What does it mean when VIX is in contango. The episode length is 8 minutes. Audio Lesson Audio Download Download this audio lesson All Audio Lessons See a list of all audio lessons. … [Read more...]