The pros and cons of investing your retirement assets 100% in equity, including half in international stocks. Why the 4% spending rule is too aggressive. Topics covered include: Why historical asset class return studies that use only U.S. data are biased How researchers build a broader database to study retirement outcomes and spending rates How a 100% stock portfolio performed compared to balanced portfolios and target date funds Why investors should have half their assets … [Read more...]
455: Easier Investing, Richer Life: TIPS Ladders to Annuities
What are the pros and cons of partially funding retirement expenses with an inflation-indexed bond ladder versus an immediate annuity? There is a big downside to TIPS ladders that many investors don't realize. Topics covered include: Why the stock market is more risky than many people realize Is it too late to invest in TIPS as one advisor suggests How TIPS and TIPS ladders work How immediate annuities work The pros and cons of a TIPS ladder versus an immediate … [Read more...]
354 Plus: Advisory Fees, A Mortgage Note Fund and Safe Haven Investing
In Plus Episode 354, we explore how to evaluate an advisor's business model to estimate their firm revenue to see if their fees seem fair. We consider the impact of valuation changes on stock performance. We review a fund that invests in private mortgage notes and promises an 8% preferred return. Finally, we review Mark Spitznagel's new book on safe haven investing. … [Read more...]
202: Will Your Next Car Be Electric?
What are the impediments to the mass adoption of electric vehicles. Photo by Matt Henry In this episode you’ll learn: How much safer are cars and whyWhy electric cars are more expensive.Why manufacturing expertise will determine who are the leaders with electric cars.What could prevent mass adoption of electric cars. Show Notes Traffic Fatalities by State Motor Vehicle Fatality Rate in U.S. by Year Why Cars Are Safer Than They Have Ever Been - Popular … [Read more...]
109: Money Is a Time Machine
How to shift money from the present to the future and vice versa in order strike an equitable balance between our present and future selves. Photo by DeLerkim In this episode you'll learn: How financial technology moves money forward and backwards in time. Why our present self often wins out over our future self. What are two ways we can strike a better balance between our future and presents selves. What are skyscraper bonds. Show Notes Napoleon Dynamite time … [Read more...]
55: Are You Financially Fragile or Antifragile?
How to gauge your financial fragility or vulnerability and how to be the opposite of fragile. In this episode, you'll learn: What is an option.What is the VIX volatility index.What does it mean to be fragile and antifragile.What is the difference between being long volatility and short volatility.How conifers are antifragile.How to tell if you are fragile or antifragile.What is the difference between black swan events and grey swans. Show Notes MNY023: Smart Beta … [Read more...]