We compare the U.S. Dollar with Bitcoin on their key attributes to determine which is better for transactions and preserving wealth, which is most absurd and which has serious flaws. Topics covered include: How are new U.S. Dollars and Bitcoin createdHow much has the supply of each currency grownHow both the dollar and Bitcoin have had rule changesWhy Bitcoin transactions are faster than non-cash U.S. dollar transactionsWhy both the dollar and Bitcoin require add-on layers to … [Read more...]
339: How To Make Money with BlockFi, Dai, and the Evolving DeFi Ecosystem
What is decentralized finance and how it is seeking to solve the shortcomings of centralized finance. How BlockFi and MakerDAO, early entrants in the DeFi space, work. How to earn up to a 9% yield with cryptocurrency lending. Topics covered include: How centralized finance differs from decentralized finance (DeFi)What are the shortcomings of centralized finance and why decentralized finance is more inclusiveWhat are the key elements of DeFiHow Ethereum smart contracts workHow MakerDao … [Read more...]
335: Are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Good Investments?
How do non-fungible tokens work, what are the risks, and how do NFTs fit within the landscape of investments. Topics covered include: Investing in physical art versus cryptoartHow NFTs work on the ethereum blockchainHow Ethereum differs from BitcoinWhat is the purpose of investing and are NFTs investmentsHow much energy do cryptocurrencies and the financial system consumeWhat are the risks of NFTs Show Notes Want to Buy an NFT? Here’s What to Know by Amber Burton—The Wall … [Read more...]
322 Plus: Mid Month Update, Calculating Returns and Grayscale Bitcoin Trust
In Plus episode 322, we review market returns, market internals and the distribution dynamics for the new Covid-19 vaccines. We discuss whether retirees should focus on income or total return and provide a resource for calculating returns. Finally, we analyze the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust as a more convenient way to invest in Bitcoin, but at a significant premium. … [Read more...]
319: Here Come Central Bank Digital Currencies
How central bank digital currencies would work, what is the motivation to create them, and what are the risks. Topics covered include: What percentage of central banks are working on a digital currency and plan to issue one soonWhat are the two kinds of money that central banks currently issue and how would a central bank digital currency differHow central bank digital currencies would be similar and differ from Bitcoin and other cryptocurrenciesWhat are the benefits and risks of … [Read more...]
316: Paper, Rocks, or Digits—What Makes the Best Money
What are the elements of a successful monetary system. Source: Bartek.cieslak at Polish Wikipedia. Edited and captioned. Topics covered include: The stone currency of YapThe fiat currency of ancient ChinaWhy money requires trust, accounting, and tokensWhy too much money can lead to inflation and too little to deflationWhy the best money is useless other than as money Show Notes The island of stone money : Uap of the Carolines by William Henry Furness The Gold … [Read more...]
315 Plus: Moving Out of Cash, Purchasing and Storing Cryptocurrencies, and Mortgage REITs
In Plus Episode 315, we answer a member's question about how to move his portfolio back into the stock market. We review how to purchase and store cryptocurrencies. Finally, the episode includes the audio from a new video lesson on how to invest in mortgage real estate investment trusts. … [Read more...]
272 Plus: MLP Viability, Timber ETF and Cryptocurrency Lending Platforms
In Plus episode 272 for the week of October 12, 2019 we look at the longer-term prospects of master limited partnerships given the energy transition, tax structure and concentration in the MLP space. We review whether the iShares Global Timber and Forestry ETF is a pure-play on timber investing. Finally, we consider why cryptocurrency lending platforms are paying 8% or more to individuals willing to lend out their cryptocurrency and is this a "safe investment." … [Read more...]
260: July Mid Month Update, Asset Allocation Example, Evaluating Municipal Bonds and How To Buy Gold and Cryptocurrencies
In Plus episode 260 for the week of July 19, 2019, we look at stock and bond market performance month-to-date as well as recent economic releases. Using a member as an example, we walk through the tools on Money For the Rest of Us Plus for deciding on a new asset allocation target. We evaluate a Vanguard municipal bond fund and compare it to the overall bond market. Finally, we discuss how to buy and store gold and cryptocurrencies. … [Read more...]
259: Will The Libra Cryptocurrency Revolutionize Money?
Will Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency transform money as we know it or is it "the most invasive and dangerous form of surveillance devised thus far?" How does the Libra compare to Bitcoin and the U.S. dollar in terms of the attributes of money. In this episode you’ll learn: What is the Libra and how does it differ from Bitcoin.What are the different attributes of money.What is proof of work versus proof of stake for cryptocurrencies.What is the difference between permissionless and … [Read more...]